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On Tuesday, September 13, 2022 at 7:30 a.m., over 120 members, port leaders and guests gathered for "On the Horizon" a Maritime Industry Q&A conversation at Armature Works. This event was a joint effort between the Propeller Club - Port of Tampa and the Port of Tampa Maritime Industries Association, now known as Maritime Alliance.

On Friday, September 2, 2022, we had our very first coffee networking event for our members called Coffee Underway. Thank you so much to our gracious host and sponsor, Southeastern Fishing Tackle!

Our August Quarterly Social was a big success! What a wonderful turn-out! Thank you to our Sponsors, Tucker/Hall and #HotelHaya for partnering with us on the event.

Our August Leadership Luncheon featuring Chief of Tampa Police, Mary O'Connor, was on Wednesday, August 17, 2022, at the University Club. We had a full, sold out crowd with an enthusiastic audience Q&A.

Although it was a hot day out on the rooftop, it did not stop our members from having a good time! In honor of the holiday, the Propeller Club set up a Popcorn Bar for the members, shout out to Stars and Stripes Popcorn for the delicious treat.

This was our first Derby party, and we had a blast dressing up from top to bottom! Over 90 guests watched the Derby LIVE, sipped on mint juleps, and competed for best dressed and best hat awards!

Our 2022 Steak & Corn Event was a day full of fun and food!