On Wednesday, June 5, more than 60 Propeller Club members and Port neighbors attended Coffee Underway at the Tampa Port Ministries and Seafarer's Center. The USF College of Nursing Port Clinic was also unveiled that same week and guests were able to take a tour through the clinic and visit with staff to ask questions about the clinic. Thank you very much to the Seafarer's Center and USF Health for sponsoring this event.
The Seafarers Center offers seafarers a place to worship, as there is a chapel inside the building. They offer free Wi-Fi, television, recreation personal needs like toiletries and clothing and more! The most popular benefit is free transportation offered to the mall, Walmart and best buy. To volunteer or learn more about what they do, visit their website: Seafarer Services (tampaportministries.org)
"Patient care available at the clinic includes routine primary care (well visits and physicals), care for common acute and chronic health issues, point-of-care tests (blood glucose, pregnancy, rapid strep, etc.), DOT physicals, and immunizations. The clinic will serve as a training site for nursing students, where they will learn from expert faculty how to identify and integrate social determinants of health into the patient plan of care." USF Health College of Nursing unveils Port of Tampa Seafarers Center Clinic
Location: 1309 Shoreline Ave., Tampa, FL 33605
Hours of Operation: Monday- Friday || 8:00 AM- 4:00 PM
Phone: 813-396-0550
*Appointments preferred, walk-ins welcome